Portugal: Historical Collections

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EuroDocs > History of Portugal: Primary Documents > Historical Collections

The collection of Occidental manuscripts of the time from the 6th to the 20th century includes around 38,000 codices, among them predominantly 17,000 Latin and 13,000 German manuscripts, but also more than 1,000 French ones, 950 Italian ones, 650 Greek ones, 145 Spanish and Portuguese ones and 124 Slavic ones.
From Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
(6-20th century; facsimiles; English interface)
List of digitized books by date of publication.
(1175-2004; Latin and Portuguese facsimiles)
List of digitized newspapers and journals in alphabetical order.
(18th-20th centuries; Portuguese facsimiles)
Following explorers from Portugal during the Age of Discovery.
By Levenson, Jay A; Curto, Diogo Ramada; and Turner, Jack.
(16th-17th centuries; maps, facsimiles, and commentary)
(Translations and transcriptions).
(1807; transcriptions).
Political Documents from Portuguese History
(18th - 20th centuries; Portuguese-language transcriptions)
List of Portuguese Historical Works digitized by the National Library
(Facsimiles and transcriptions in Portuguese)
Database of fundamental documents relating to Portuguese Legal History.
Browse or search the database.
(16th - 20th centuries; facsimiles)
A digital collection of historic Portuguese newspapers and journals.
(19th & 20th centuries; facsimiles and transcriptions)
Portuguese National Digital Library with many books, maps and documents.
Lisbon Digital Library with many books and documents.
Digitized chronicles and related source documents in Portuguese history.
A product of the Biblioteca Nacional Digital.
(16th-20th centuries; facsimiles)
Archive includes historical prints, newspapers and other collections
(Portuguese, facsimiles)
Includes maps and other geographic data on demography and political history in Portugal
Spearheaded by Prof. Luís Nuno Espinha da Silveira.
A project of the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI)
(Facsimiles and textual commentaries).
A set of historical maps from Dr. Ronnie Ellenblum's Historic Cities
Collection of historical maps of Portugal.
Collection of historical maps of Europe.
(facsimiles; Hungarian)
Portuguese page of the World Documents Library.
(photos; facsimiles)
Collection of peace agreements entered into by Portugal.
List of poems, letters, and manuscripts written by Portuguese artists.
(19th and 20th centuries; Portuguese facsimiles)
Catalog of Portuguese films, Portuguese articles about films, and images.
(Portuguese facsimiles)

EuroDocs > History of Portugal: Primary Documents > Historical Collections

EuroDocs Creator: Richard Hacken, European Studies Librarian,
Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA.
Feel free to get in touch: Hacken @ byu.edu