Ukraine in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1440-1648

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EuroDocs > History of Ukraine: Primary Documents > Ukraine in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1440-1648

(15th-18th century; Ukrainian facsimiles and transcriptions)
Document includes rights of Lithuanian and Russian dukes to manage their properties on their own choice, equal rights of judicial procedures for Lithuanian and Russian dukes and boyars, and obligation for the renovation of the roads and castles.
Document gives recognition to the Russian dukes and boyars and confirms all Polish privileges for them.
(May 6, 1434; Russian translation)
Document about decision of Lublen Seym to unite Poland and Lithuania into one country: Rech’ Pospolita.
Document determines laws about king, Seym, money, and trade taxes.
(1569; Ukrainian translation)
Document contains articles regarding conditions of coexistence of Catholic and Orthodox churches.
(1595; English translation)
Document includes order of Polish King to create registration of Cossacks. The document gives permission for certain amount of Cossacks to be placed for settlement, and lists their obligations while appointing a hetman over Cossacks.
Oath of allegiance of hetman Doroshenko and Cossacks.
(October 27, 1625; Ukrainian translation)
Document includes the order of Polish King to appoint a Polish representative over registered Cossacks and limits Cossack military activity.
(1638; Ukrainian translation)
Document discusses physical, religious, and economic domination of Polish nobilities over Ukrainians. Hetman appeals to Ukrainian men who live in Ukrainian cities to join Zporizhskyi Cossacks and prepare to fight against Polish nobilities.
(March 20,1638; commentary, Russian translation, 1857)
Document contains apology of Khmelnitsky for the captivity of Polish high-ranking military officials.
(May,1648; Russian translation)
Document describes victories of Cossacks over Polish troops. Khmelnytsky appeals to Moscow Tsar, as true Orthodox Tsar, to take the Polish throne and promises that Cossacks will serve and support the Tsar in taking it.
(June 8,1648; Old Ukrainian transcription)
Document lists complaints about economic oppression, high taxes, and robbery of Cossacks and other Ukrainian people by Polish nobilities and high military officials.
(July,1648; Ukrainian transcription)

EuroDocs > History of Ukraine: Primary Documents > Ukraine in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1440-1648

EuroDocs Creator: Richard Hacken, European Studies Librarian,
Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA.
Feel free to get in touch: Hacken @